
Myo Aye

Myanmar Coffee Association (MCA)





Head Trainer, Myanmar Coffee Association (MCA)

Mr. Myo Aye acts as Chairman of Myanmar Coffee Association. MCA is a non-profit trade association working to increase the prosperity of all sectors of the coffee industry by providing technical training, professional development education, local and international market linkages, access to financial assistance, information resources, capacity for sustainable economic growth, industry representation and advocacy, industry standards and certifications, recognition for excellence and opportunities for collaboration.

Since 2014, the MCA has been actively representing the Myanmar coffee sector abroad and building the capacity of its members on all aspects of quality in Myanmar.

Mr Myo Aye is also the Founder & CEO of Café Burma & Zawgyi Coffee. He is a Q Processing Professional recognized by Coffee Quality Institute (CQI), United States of America. He also organizes training for coffee processing with MCA.